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This package deploys Big Bang using the Zarf bigbang extension.

The bigbang noun sits within the extensions specification of Zarf and provides the following configuration:

Field Type Description
version * string The version of Big Bang to use.
fluxPatchFiles array Optional paths to Flux kustomize strategic merge patch files.
repo string Override repo to pull Big Bang from instead of Repo One.
skipFlux boolean Whether to skip deploying flux; Defaults to false.
valuesFiles array The list of values files to pass to Big Bang; these will be merged together.
* Required field

To see a tutorial for the creation and deployment of this package see the Big Bang Tutorial.

The Big Bang extension also supports YOLO mode, provided that you add your own credentials for the image registry. This is accomplished below with the provision-flux-credentials component and the credentials.yaml values file which allows images to be pulled from We demonstrate providing account credentials via Zarf Variables, but there are other ways to populate the data in private-registry.yaml.

You can learn about YOLO mode in the FAQ or the YOLO mode example.

Big Bang YOLO Mode Example.

kind: ZarfPackageConfig
name: big-bang-example
description: Deploy Big Bang Core
# renovate: datasource=gitlab-releases depName=big-bang/bigbang versioning=semver registryUrl=
version: 2.19.2
# Big Bang / Iron Bank are only amd64
architecture: amd64
- name: DOMAIN
prompt: false
- name: bigbang
required: true
- cmd: |
./zarf tools kubectl patch helmrelease -n bigbang bigbang --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"suspend":true}}'
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang istio --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang istio-operator --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang monitoring --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete providers grafana -n monitoring --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete alerts grafana -n monitoring --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang promtail --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang loki --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete kiali -n kiali kiali --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang tempo --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang neuvector --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete neuvector-validating-crd-webhook --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang kyverno-reporter --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang kyverno-policies --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang kyverno --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete kyverno-policy-validating-webhook-cfg kyverno-resource-validating-webhook-cfg --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang kiali --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang metrics-server --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete -l, --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete gitrepositories -n bigbang -l
description: "Cleaning up Big Bang resources"
# renovate: datasource=gitlab-releases depName=big-bang/bigbang versioning=semver registryUrl=
version: 2.19.2
# Istio configs
- config/ingress.yaml
# Use Kyverno instead of Gatekeeper
- config/kyverno.yaml
# Use PLG instead of EFK
- config/loki.yaml
# Needed when running in k3s. Otherwise Neuvector fails to start with an error saying it can't detect its runtime
- config/neuvector.yaml
# Values are merged in order, so this would override the above and disable everything if uncommented
# - config/disable-all.yaml
- name: gitea-virtual-service
description: >
Expose the internal Zarf Gitea server through the Big Bang Istio
deployment via a virtual service. (only applies if you are using the
Zarf-provided Gitea deployment - not an externally configured git host)
- name: gitea
namespace: zarf
- virtualservices/gitea.yaml