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Understand the Basics

Before you can effectively use Zarf, it is useful to have an understanding of the technology Zarf is built on and around. The sections below provide some helpful links to start building up this foundation as well as a glossary of the terms used in this project.

  • Make the delivery of software “across the air gap” an open-source “solved problem”.
  • Make it trivial to deploy and run Kubernetes apps “at the Edge”.
  • Make it easy to support GitOps-based K8s cluster updates in isolated environments.

  • Declarative: A user states (via configuration file) which resources are needed and Zarf locates and packages them. A user does not have to know how to download, collect, roll, and unroll dependencies for transport, they only have to know what they need.
  • Package: A well-defined, tool-generated, versioned, and compressed collection of software intended for movement (and later use) across a network/administrative boundary.
  • Remote systems: Systems that are organized such that development and maintenance actions occur primarily in locations physically and logically separate from where operations occur.
  • Constrained systems: Systems with explicit resource/administrative/capability limitations.
  • Independent systems: Systems are organized such that continued operation is possible even when disconnected (temporarily or otherwise) from external systems dependencies.
  • Air-gapped systems: Systems are designed to operate while physically disconnected from “unsecured” networks like the internet. For more information, see Air Gap Networking.