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Creating a Zarf Package

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate the process to create a Zarf package for an application from defining a zarf.yaml, finding resources with zarf dev commands and finally building the package with zarf package create.

When creating a Zarf package, you must have a network connection so that Zarf can fetch all of the dependencies and resources necessary to build the package. If your package is using images from a private registry or is referencing repositories in a private repository, you will need to have your credentials configured on your machine for Zarf to be able to fetch the resources.

  • You’ll need an internet connection so Zarf can pull in anything required to build the package in this tutorial.

Before beginning this tutorial you will need the following:

  • Zarf binary installed on your $PATH: (Installing Zarf)
  • A text editor or development environment such as VSCode

In order to create a Zarf package you first need to have an idea of what application(s) you want to package. In this example we will be using the WordPress chart from Bitnami but the steps and tools used below are very similar for other applications.

A zarf.yaml file follows the Zarf Package Schema and allows us to specify package metadata and a set of components for us to deploy. We start a package definition with the kind of package we are making and metadata that describes the package. You can start our WordPress package by creating a new zarf.yaml with the following content:

kind: ZarfPackageConfig # ZarfPackageConfig is the package kind for most normal zarf packages
name: wordpress # specifies the name of our package and should be unique and unchanging through updates
version: 16.0.4 # (optional) a version we can track as we release updates or publish to a registry
description: | # (optional) a human-readable description of the package that you are creating
"A Zarf Package that deploys the WordPress blogging and content management platform"

Components are the unit of Zarf Packages that define an application stack. These are defined under the components key and allow many different resource types to be brought into a package. You can learn more about components on the Understanding Zarf Components page. To add our WordPress component, add the following to the bottom of our zarf.yaml:

- name: wordpress # specifies the name of our component and should be unique and unchanging through updates
description: | # (optional) a human-readable description of the component you are defining
"Deploys the Bitnami-packaged WordPress chart into the cluster"
required: true # (optional) sets the component as 'required' so that it is always deployed
- name: wordpress
url: oci://
version: 16.0.4
namespace: wordpress
- wordpress-values.yaml

In addition to this component definition, we also need to create the valuesFiles we have specified. In this case we need to create a file named wordpress-values.yaml in the same directory as our zarf.yaml with the following contents:

# We are hard-coding these for now but will make them dynamic in Setting up Variables.
wordpressUsername: zarf
wordpressPassword: ""
wordpressFirstName: Zarf
wordpressLastName: The Axolotl
wordpressBlogName: The Zarf Blog
# This value turns on the metrics exporter and thus will require another image.
enabled: true
# Sets the WordPress service as a ClusterIP service to not conflict with potential
# pre-existing LoadBalancer services.
type: ClusterIP

Once you have the above defined we can now work on setting the images that we will need to bring with us into the air gap. For this, Zarf has a helper command you can run with zarf dev find-images. Running this command in the directory of your zarf.yaml will result in the following output:

From here you can copy the images key and array of images into the wordpress component we defined in our zarf.yaml

We now have a deployable package definition, but it is currently not very configurable and might not fit every environment we want to deploy it to. If we deployed it as-is we would always have a Zarf Blog and a zarf user with an autogenerated password.

To resolve this, we can add configuration options with Zarf Variables. For this package we will add a variables section to our zarf.yaml above components that will allow us to setup the user and the blog.

# The unique name of the variable corresponding to the ###ZARF_VAR_### template
# A human-readable description of the variable shown during prompting
description: The username that is used to login to the WordPress admin account
# A default value to take if --confirm is used or the user chooses the default prompt
default: zarf
# Whether to prompt for this value interactively if it is not --set on the CLI
prompt: true
description: The password that is used to login to the WordPress admin account
prompt: true
# Whether to treat this value as sensitive to keep it out of Zarf logs
sensitive: true
description: The email that is used for the WordPress admin account
prompt: true
description: The first name that is used for the WordPress admin account
default: Zarf
prompt: true
description: The last name that is used for the WordPress admin account
default: The Axolotl
prompt: true
description: The blog name that is used for the WordPress admin account
default: The Zarf Blog
prompt: true

To use these variables in our chart we must add their corresponding templates to our wordpress-values.yaml file. Zarf can template chart values, manifests, included text files and more.

wordpressUsername: ###ZARF_VAR_WORDPRESS_USERNAME###
wordpressPassword: ###ZARF_VAR_WORDPRESS_PASSWORD###
wordpressEmail: ###ZARF_VAR_WORDPRESS_EMAIL###
wordpressFirstName: ###ZARF_VAR_WORDPRESS_FIRST_NAME###
wordpressLastName: ###ZARF_VAR_WORDPRESS_LAST_NAME###
wordpressBlogName: ###ZARF_VAR_WORDPRESS_BLOG_NAME###

As-is, our package could be configured to interface with an ingress provider to provide access to our blog, but this may not be desired for every service, particularly those that provide a backend for other frontend services. To help with debugging, Zarf allows you to specify Zarf Connect Services that will be displayed after package deployment to quickly connect into our deployed application.

For this package we will define two services, one for the blog and the other for the admin panel. These are normal Kubernetes services with special labels and annotations that Zarf watches out for, and to defined them create a connect-services.yaml with the following contents:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: wordpress-connect-blog
# Enables "zarf connect wordpress-blog" wordpress-blog
annotations: "The public facing WordPress blog site"
selector: wordpress wordpress
- name: http
port: 8080
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8080
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: wordpress-connect-admin
# Enables "zarf connect wordpress-admin" wordpress-admin
annotations: "The login page for the WordPress admin panel"
# Sets a URL-suffix to automatically navigate to in the browser "/wp-admin"
selector: wordpress wordpress
- name: http
port: 8080
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8080

To add this to our zarf.yaml we can simply specify it under our wordpress component using the manifests key:

- name: connect-services
namespace: wordpress
- connect-services.yaml

Once you have followed the above you should now have a zarf.yaml file that matches the one found on the WordPress example page.

Creating this package is as simple as running the zarf package create command with the directory containing our zarf.yaml. Zarf will show us the zarf.yaml one last time asking if we would like to build the package, and upon confirmation Zarf will pull down all of the resources and bundle them into a package tarball.

Terminal window
zarf package create .

When you execute the zarf package create command, Zarf will prompt you to confirm that you want to create the package by displaying the package definition and asking you to respond with either y or n.

This will create a zarf package in the current directory with a package name that looks something like zarf-package-wordpress-amd64-16.0.4.tar.zst, although it might be slightly different depending on your system architecture.

Congratulations! You’ve built the WordPress package. Now, you can learn how to inspect the SBOMs or head straight to deploying it!