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Deployment Values

Deploy time values are used throughout the Zarf deployment process to template manifests and files, set Helm values, or provide environment variables for actions, and can be provided by the zarf package deploy user, the zarf package create user, or internally by Zarf itself.

Values can be templated into manifests, files, and charts using a unique ###ZARF_VAR_<VALUE_KEY>### syntax anywhere in the file, where <VALUE_KEY> is the name of the value along with any associated prefix in ALL_CAPS (see Setting Values below). This allows you to punch through other templating engines to place values precisely where you want in a given file. You can also control how this templating happens when defining a value such as with the autoIndent key on constants and variables. A simple value template for a Zarf Variable named DATABASE_USERNAME would look like the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: db-configmap

Zarf Variables can also be mapped directly to Helm values within a given charts definition. This is done with the variables key within a chart that allows you to take a Zarf Variable name and map it to a YAML path within that chart’s Helm values. This chart’s Helm value will then be set to the current value of the Zarf Variable at the time of it’s installation.

- name: wordpress
version: 16.0.4
namespace: wordpress
localPath: chart
path: db.username
Field Type Description
path * string The path within the Helm chart values where this variable applies.
name * string The name of the variable.
description * string A brief description of what the variable controls.
* Required field

Zarf actions can also pull values from the shell’s environment when running a cmd. These values are available under the same ZARF_<VALUE_KEY> as value templates (without any #s) and can be used like the below:


Variables are dynamic values that are set by the zarf package deploy user or internally by the outputs of actions. When used they are prefixed with ZARF_VAR, and they can be defined with the top-level variables key for input by the user:

description: 'The username for the database'
Field Type Description
name * string The name to be used for the variable
autoIndent boolean Whether to automatically indent the variable's value (if multiline) when templating. Based on the number of chars before the start of ###ZARF_VAR_.
default string The default value to use for the variable
description string A description of the variable to be used when prompting the user a value
pattern string An optional regex pattern that a variable value must match before a package deployment can continue.
prompt boolean Whether to prompt the user for input for this variable
sensitive boolean Whether to mark this variable as sensitive to not print it in the log
type string Changes the handling of a variable to load contents differently (i.e. from a file rather than as a raw variable - templated files should be kept below 1 MiB)
* Required field

Or can be set within an actions setVariables key to take the value from the standard output of the given cmd:

- name: set-variable-example
- cmd: echo "username-value"
Field Type Description
name * string The name to be used for the variable
autoIndent boolean Whether to automatically indent the variable's value (if multiline) when templating. Based on the number of chars before the start of ###ZARF_VAR_.
pattern string An optional regex pattern that a variable value must match before a package deployment can continue.
sensitive boolean Whether to mark this variable as sensitive to not print it in the log
type string Changes the handling of a variable to load contents differently (i.e. from a file rather than as a raw variable - templated files should be kept below 1 MiB)
* Required field

Constants are static values that are set by the zarf package create user and are used as a way to bake in a common value that the package creator would like to template or use within the deployment process. They are useful to centralize the setting of resources that will be baked into the package (such as image references) to have a singular place to update potentially many downstream references. They are set with a top-level constants key as in the below:

description: 'The username for the database'
value: 'postgres'
Field Type Description
value * string The value to set for the constant during deploy
name * string The name to be used for the constant
autoIndent boolean Whether to automatically indent the variable's value (if multiline) when templating. Based on the number of chars before the start of ###ZARF_CONST_.
description string A description of the constant to explain its purpose on package create or deploy confirmation prompts
pattern string An optional regex pattern that a constant value must match before a package can be created.
* Required field

In addition to user supplied Variables, and Constants, Zarf maintains a list of internal variables that components can use for more advanced functionality (such as within init packages). Below are the current values Zarf supports:

  • STORAGE_CLASS: Storage class specified for persistent storage within the Kubernetes cluster (maps to --storage-class on zarf init)
  • REGISTRY: Address of the registry server used during zarf init (maps to --registry-url on zarf init)
  • NODEPORT: Nodeport used for a registry internal to the cluster (maps to --nodeport on zarf init)
  • REGISTRY_AUTH_PUSH: Password for pushing images to the registry (maps to --registry-push-password on zarf init)
  • REGISTRY_AUTH_PULL: Password for pulling images from the registry (maps to --registry-pull-password on zarf init)
  • GIT_PUSH: Username utilized for pushing changes to the Git server (maps to --git-push-username on zarf init)
  • GIT_AUTH_PUSH: Password required for pushing changes to the Git server (maps to --git-push-password on zarf init)
  • GIT_PULL: Username employed for pulling changes from the Git server (maps to --git-pull-username on zarf init)
  • GIT_AUTH_PULL: Password required for pulling changes from the Git server (maps to --git-pull-password on zarf init)
  • DATA_INJECTION_MARKER: The marker used within a dataInjection target Pod spec that Zarf uses to track a data injection