This example shows you how to specify Kubernetes resources in a component’s manifests
list. These files can either be local or remote and under the hood Zarf will wrap them in an auto-generated helm chart to manage their install, rollback, and uninstall logic.
To learn more about how manifests
work in Zarf, see the Kubernetes Manifests section of the package components documentation.
kind: ZarfPackageConfigmetadata: name: manifests version: 0.0.1
components: - name: httpd-local required: true manifests: - name: simple-httpd-deployment namespace: httpd files: # local manifests are specified relative to the `zarf.yaml` that uses them: - httpd-deployment.yaml # image discovery is supported in all manifests and charts using: # zarf prepare find-images images: - httpd:alpine3.18 - name: nginx-remote required: true manifests: - name: simple-nginx-deployment namespace: nginx files: # remote manifests are specified with a URL and you can verify integrity of a manifest # by adding a sha256sum to the end of the URL, separated by an @: - # this sha256 can be discovered using: # zarf prepare sha256sum # image discovery is supported in all manifests and charts using: # zarf prepare find-images images: - nginx:1.14.2 - name: podinfo-kustomize required: true manifests: - name: simple-podinfo-deployment namespace: podinfo kustomizations: # kustomizations can be specified relative to the `zarf.yaml` or as remoteBuild resources with the # following syntax: - # while ?ref= is not a requirement, it is recommended to use a specific commit hash / git tag to # ensure that the kustomization is not changed in a way that breaks your deployment. # image discovery is supported in all manifests and charts using: # zarf prepare find-images images: -