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As you can see in the example, the import key can be combined with other keys to merge components together. This can be done as many components deep as you wish and in the end will generate one main zarf.yaml file with all of the defined resources included.

This is useful if you want to slightly tweak a given component while maintaining a common core.

kind: ZarfPackageConfig
name: composable-packages
description: Demo Zarf package composability
- name: local-games-path
# The component logic keys ('required', 'group', and 'default') always override those of the imported package
required: true
# group: "" # the initial value overrides the child component
# default: false # the initial value overrides the child component
description: "Example of a local composed package with a unique description for
this component"
# The local relative path to the folder containing this component's package definition
path: ../dos-games
# Example optional custom name to point to in the imported package (default is to use this component's name)
name: baseline
# 'name'd Zarf primitives will merge the arrays together on import:
# - 'manifests' of the same name will merge namespace, files and kustomizations
# - 'charts' of the same name will merge namespace, releaseName and valuesFiles
# Zarf primitives without matching 'name's will be appended to the end of the primitive's list for that component.
- name: multi-games
- quake-service.yaml
- name: oci-games-url
# The component logic keys ('required', 'group', and 'default') always override those of the imported package
# required: false # the initial value overrides the child component
# group: "" # the initial value overrides the child component
# default: false # the initial value overrides the child component
# The URL to the skeleton package containing this component's package definition
url: oci://
# Example optional custom name to point to in the imported package (default is to use this component's name)
name: baseline
# Un'name'd Zarf primitives will be appended to the end of the primitive's list for that component.
- cmd: ./zarf tools kubectl get -n dos-games deployment -o