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zarf tools registry copy

zarf tools registry copy

Efficiently copy a remote image from src to dst while retaining the digest value

zarf tools registry copy SRC DST [flags]


-a, --all-tags (Optional) if true, copy all tags from SRC to DST
-h, --help help for copy
-j, --jobs int (Optional) The maximum number of concurrent copies, defaults to GOMAXPROCS
-n, --no-clobber (Optional) if true, avoid overwriting existing tags in DST

Options inherited from parent commands

--allow-nondistributable-artifacts Allow pushing non-distributable (foreign) layers
--insecure Allow image references to be fetched without TLS
--platform string Specifies the platform in the form os/arch[/variant][:osversion] (e.g. linux/amd64). (default "all")
-v, --verbose Enable debug logs