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zarf dev deploy

zarf dev deploy

[beta] Creates and deploys a Zarf package from a given directory


[beta] Creates and deploys a Zarf package from a given directory, setting options like YOLO mode for faster iteration.

zarf dev deploy [flags]


--adopt-existing-resources Adopts any pre-existing K8s resources into the Helm charts managed by Zarf. ONLY use when you have existing deployments you want Zarf to takeover.
--components string Comma-separated list of components to deploy. Adding this flag will skip the prompts for selected components. Globbing component names with '*' and deselecting 'default' components with a leading '-' are also supported.
--create-set stringToString Specify package variables to set on the command line (KEY=value) (default [])
--deploy-set stringToString Specify deployment variables to set on the command line (KEY=value) (default [])
-f, --flavor string The flavor of components to include in the resulting package (i.e. have a matching or empty "only.flavor" key)
-h, --help help for deploy
--no-yolo Disable the YOLO mode default override and create / deploy the package as-defined
--registry-override stringToString Specify a map of domains to override on package create when pulling images (e.g. --registry-override (default [])
--retries int Number of retries to perform for Zarf deploy operations like git/image pushes or Helm installs (default 3)
--timeout duration Timeout for health checks and Helm operations such as installs and rollbacks (default 15m0s)

Options inherited from parent commands

-a, --architecture string Architecture for OCI images and Zarf packages
--insecure-skip-tls-verify Skip checking server's certificate for validity. This flag should only be used if you have a specific reason and accept the reduced security posture.
--log-format string [beta] Select a logging format. Defaults to 'console'. Valid options are: 'console', 'json', 'dev', 'legacy'. The legacy option will be removed in a coming release (default "console")
-l, --log-level string Log level when running Zarf. Valid options are: warn, info, debug, trace (default "info")
--no-color Disable colors in output
--no-log-file Disable log file creation
--no-progress Disable fancy UI progress bars, spinners, logos, etc
--plain-http Force the connections over HTTP instead of HTTPS. This flag should only be used if you have a specific reason and accept the reduced security posture.
--tmpdir string Specify the temporary directory to use for intermediate files
--zarf-cache string Specify the location of the Zarf cache directory (default "~/.zarf-cache")


  • zarf dev - Commands useful for developing packages