? Deploy this Zarf package? (y/N) Yes 
The username that is used to login to the WordPress admin account ? Please provide a value for "WORDPRESS_USERNAME"zarf
The password that is used to login to the WordPress admin account ? Please provide a value for "WORDPRESS_PASSWORD"password
The email that is used for the WordPress admin account ? Please provide a value for "WORDPRESS_EMAIL"hello@defenseunicorns.com
The first name that is used for the WordPress admin account ? Please provide a value for "WORDPRESS_FIRST_NAME"Zarf
The last name that is used for the WordPress admin account ? Please provide a value for "WORDPRESS_LAST_NAME"The Axolotl
The blog name that is used for the WordPress admin account ? Please provide a value for "WORDPRESS_BLOG_NAME"The Zarf Blog
📦 WORDPRESS COMPONENT • Waiting for cluster connection (30s timeout) • Waiting for cluster connection (30s timeout) • Loading the Zarf State from the Kubernetes cluster • Loading the Zarf State from the Kubernetes cluster • Pushing 3 images to the zarf registry ✔ Pushed 3 images to the zarf registry • Processing helm chart wordpress:16.0.4 from oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/wordpress • Processing helm chart wordpress:16.0.4 from oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/wordpress • Starting helm chart generation connect-services • Starting helm chart generation connect-services • Processing helm chart raw-wordpress-wordpress-connect-services:0.1.1683421314 from Zarf-generated helm chart • Processing helm chart raw-wordpress-wordpress-connect-services:0.1.1683421314 from Zarf-generated helm chart ✔ Zarf deployment complete Connect Command | Description zarf connect wordpress-blog | The public facing WordPress blog site zarf connect wordpress-admin | The login page for the WordPress admin panel